Thursday, May 19, 2011


So I've been a little more behind than I would like on my blog posts.  But that is about to change now that the semester is over! Woo hoo!

I made this guacamole for Cinco de Mayo.  It was for a party for my Ultimate Frisbee team, FLASH!  We love our food and this guacamole was gone in about 10 minutes, but probably less.

Here's how you can make it.

What you'll need:

  • 3 avocados
  • 1 container of grape tomatoes
  • 1 small red onion (at the store they only had baby-head-sized red onions, so I used about half of a huge one)
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 jar of jalapenos (I like to do mostly fresh stuff, but I really like the flavor and texture of jarred jalapenos for some reason)
  • lime/lemon juice
  • salt and pepper

This is an avocado.  If you have never had one because they seem weird, then try one.  It might just change your life.  If there are a few brown spots, don't freak out.  It'll all be fine.

To prepare the avocado, slice in half lengthwise and remove the pit.  Then you will want to slice the avocado before you scoop it out of its skin.  It should look like a little grid before you scoop.  Add avocado to bowl.

Dice up your red onion and add to bowl of avocado.

I would normally use regular tomatoes, but grape tomatoes were on sale so I chopped them into quarters.

Should look something like this.

Add tomato to bowl.  Chop up about 1 tbsp. jalapenos and add to bowl.  Here I also added some minced garlic, salt, pepper, and a few squirts of lemon juice.  If you're not serving immediately, you can put one of the avocado pits in the guacamole while it sits in the refrigerator.

Enjoy with chips or on something delicious like a burrito or quesadilla.

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